VWCV 0% finance

Keeping every business moving

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles wanted us to create something that would cut-through the ‘noise’ in the dry world of aftersales; something that would really land their 0% Finance offer. Making the ZERO THE HERO, we were able to keep the offer front and centre and show all kinds of businesses just cracking on with whatever they do; hitting a truth that van owners don’t want to be thinking about their van, they want to be thinking about their work. We used engaging visuals and sound that pulled the viewer into the action, and grabbed their attention from the opening second and kept it there. It was a simple, engaging, solution to what can easily be a pretty uninspiring and complicated product; so much so that we hit over 846,000 full YouTube views and over 2.2 million display video full views(which was 170% and 155% above targets respectively). Not bad for a campaign with a £50,000 production budget… and without showing a single van.

Roses 2021 Silver Winner - Automotive

Roses 2021 Silver Winner - TV & Cinema commercial under 21 seconds


July 2020


Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles


Creative Director

